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Showing posts from December, 2021

Delhi's Batra Hospital confirms two more Omicron cases. City tally 69. These 3 confirmed Omicron patients are out of 14 Covid+ isolated here: Dr SCL Batra, Medical Director to UNI - United News of India

Delhi's Batra Hospital confirms two more Omicron cases. City tally 69. These 3 confirmed Omicron patients are out of 14 Covid+ isolated here: Dr SCL Batra, Medical Director to UNI    United News of India

Four more international travellers sent to hospital from Delhi airport, to be tested for Omicron variant of Covid-19 - The Indian Express

Four more international travellers sent to hospital from Delhi airport, to be tested for Omicron variant of Covid-19    The Indian Express Omicron: 4 more international travellers admitted to LNJP hospital in Delhi    Economic Times Delhi: Contact of Omicron patient tests positive for COVID-19    Mint Omicron scare: 3 more international travellers admitted to LNJP Hospital in Delhi    Zee News Woman in contact of Omicron case tests positive for Covid in Delhi    The New Indian Express View Full Coverage on Google News

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling. - United News of India

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling.    United News of India

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling. - United News of India

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling.    United News of India

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling. - United News of India

Emergency services to hit at large Govt hospitals in Delhi, including Safdarjung, RML & LHMC as Resident doctors to aggravate onging protest against 'delay' in NEET PG counselling.    United News of India